Saturday Lil one was attacked by fever out of the blue.Her body temp went up high and we were quite worried .Hubby and I was on standby monitoring her.
Sunday morning she woke up feeling a little bit better.Gave her medicine and we got ready to go out.We went to have lunch and went to buy her badminton racquet and a small ball for her to play with.
On the way to the car,she felt something was wrong.She wanted to poo.I went to the toilet with her and she accidentally pooped in her panties..washed her up ,went back home and changed her.
Then we played badminton and ball.We sweat and felt good about ourselves.And then suddenly she said she wants to go to the dr.
Hubby went to take her while I stayed home,made her porridge.
They came back with dr's orders,to eat the medicine provided.
She then showered and went to bed.


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