Opportunity comes rolling perhaps?

This morning I went for a meeting at a friends house.
She has a proposal for me to work in an organisation which will make me have to commit my time and skills for the newly setup organisation.It sounded like a good idea for me who stays at home doing nothing except for the household duties and parenting duties.
I thought it would make me a better human being to be able to find some source of an income.Provided hubby allows me to do it.

I'll basically work from home.Fill in all the details and data for whatever the organisation is handling.I personally think that wont be so difficult aint it?
Since I'm a very skilled typist..thanks to blogging and facebooking:)hee hee

So I told my friend I'll sleep on it and will inform her very soon.
I need to discuss it with dearest hubby tonight.

Insya Allah if he permits me to do it,I'll start very soon..
Yippee Yay...Inikah rezeki yang Allah janjikan pada umatnya yang tanpa henti henti berdoa dan memohon...Seandainya iya,Aku bersyukur ya Amat,Amin.


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