We had the ritual morning breakfast .After that we ran errands.
I am sorting thru clothes that is old and not so old.I need to sort it out as fast as I can.
I have washed laundry,and masak.

Now I'm going to take pictures for stuffs to sell off:)


Laracroft74 said…
thanks for the info..nanti i pi cari kat MPH or mintak my SIL cari kat pasar tmn tun..i love reading that book..hari tu i just flip thru aje..ok..nanti kalau i travel, i'll get one for you too..:-)
btw, apa prof kamil's or the wife punya blog ya..
Laracroft74 said…
oppss..one more thing..just to let you know that i really admire the pic of Masjidil Nabawi on your blog..I missed the place so much everythime i see this pic..
Hi Lara
This is the blog add
try that one dulu,if cannot you let me know k

Oh ya the Masjid Nabawi picture,My sisters and I baru lepas solat subuh di Luar masjid and sambil jalan nak balik ke hotel,we saw this view,sunrise...amazingly beautiful and the 3 of us stopped and stared and snapped this picture.I miss Masjid Nabawi and Masjidil Haram...

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