Folding clothes

Apa lagi kerja housewife?Basuh baju,sangkut baju,lipat baju and it repeats everyday!!
Those things I can cope with but not ironing:D
I leave Ironing to hubby or just hantar dobi.
But most of my baju everyday is just lipat and simpan kinda baju,so usually hubby tolong gosokkan baju sekolah anak aje..:D
To some that might sound eeee teruknya kasi hubby gosok..but he gosok better than me!!!
And he doesnt mind it at all.

So now ada one load in the washer nak tunggu kena sidai,one load dah lipat ,nak tunggu simpan
Ha ha

Sikit lagi nak masak pulak.Apa lagi,favourite hubby and Lil one lah...tak masak kicap,sup daging roast...and vegetables and sambal belacan to go with it.Will check if ada ikan masin tak..and that will buat penyedap makan later

Bilik semua dah kemas.Tingkap semua dibuka so that masuk angin sikit.
Lagi apa?Lepas habis kerja rumah tu semua nanti,I'm gonna snap pictures


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