I cleaned the laundry area...I carried all the baju yang dah kering.I managed to ask hubby to throw one of the cabinets coz dah pecah and now kat belakang tu ada la space lebih sikit.
Kat bawah sangkut baju tu ada aircond compressor and ada lah space banyak...so banyak hangers yang dah jatuh and a few baju...i cannot reach.Dok try dengan galah yang panjang pun dapat sikit aje.I have thrown some hangers and clothes yang dah kotor.Tak sanggup nak cuci and pakai balik...Geli I.
So nak tunggu hubby habis masak .He texted me saying...."I'm making dinner tonight" So happy
So anak is still doing some school work,I am relaxing sekejap and he is cooking.I will have to wash after cooking and makan lah ni...
Oo oh...i can hear him tumbuk sambal...woohoo!!


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