I think I need to get off twitter, facebook ...I think I need to blog more.You know when I blog, I am free to write whatever I feel like writing and express what I feel .
Let's talk about life today. Its been a while since I blog about hubby's and my talks in the morning.
Untuk pengetahuan anda, kita tak mengutuk ya,kita berdiscuss to become better people.Conversations we share to learn what is right and wrong.

Let's not judge people. Siapa memberi kita hak untuk menilai seseorang?Siapa bilang kita boleh bercakap sesuka hati? Yang terutamanya, we must do right to ourselves before trying to judge other people.You know we don't have the right to do just that.
I read a lot lately, mostly buku buku agama. Dah kurang baca buku fiction dan sebagainya. In those ugama books I learnt that kita patutnya bersyukur and beristighfar banyak banyak dari kita duduk semeja dengan orang yang suka mengumpat dan mengata orang lain. Try get up and ignore those talks. Try avoid such circumstances.

As we grow older, we change for the better. Bukan for the worse.
Oh I need to email one of the bloggers about where she goes for mengaji. I need to start somewhere. At my age, I want to do good.

Last weekend I had a chat with cousin, we talked about orang yang teraniaya.. Doa orang yang teraniayA direct, tak ada tapis tapis... I believe so. So seandainya ada orang orang yang pernah menganiaya orang lain,insaflah.. Mintak ampun cepat cepat.

Seandainya hidung terasa tinggi kerna punyAi wang ringgit, insaflah.. Duit tu bukan boleh bawak mati. Seandainya bila. Fikir wang ringgit boleh gila kuasa and takhta, insaflah.. We don't know what will happen, beranak cucu kita ni kan suatu hari nanti...
Long time ago,I believe in the saying, walau ada segunung langiT kalau tak ada kasih sayang and saling menghormati tak ada gunanya...



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