workout/Lunch/ appts/playdate

I am heading to the gym early. I missed it yesterday. Today we have lunch with grandma and some guests from down under whom we"ve known for quite a while.aftert that bestie is going to pick me up and we're going for coffee and appointments and later playdate. Love it when its school break. Lil one can have playdate all the time.

On the home front, not doing any hard cleaning as I have mopped yesterday:p yesss that's tough cleaning coz it uses my upper and lower body. LOL.

Yesterday another bestie texted asking where we're heading for the upcoming holidays,they wanna join. Most probably the beach. So we must meet soon to plan the trip.

Another bestie invited me as contact on bbm and yay, finally. So we have been bbm'ing the whole time. Nice feeling!! To be able to keep in touch. We saw them last in 2008 before our umrah trip.

Okdokie, I am off to gym now. Hoping for a great workout:)


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